On your marks!!!

On your marks.  Get set. GO!!! We are now fully equipped, ready, and eager to get started fishing for 2024.  The trailer just got new tires.  The Pilot just got new tires. My tackle boxes are all sorted and arranged by body of water.  The weather is starting to...

2023 Weather Replay?

Last year, I retired and had high hopes of going outside, fishing, doing “stuff” but was constantly hampered by rainy weather.  This spring, things looked pretty positive for an improvement. We had NO SNOW in our yard in mid-March and optimistically I...

February – Leap Month!

Have you ever wondered why February occasionally boasts an extra day? The answer lies in the leap year rule. Embracing this intriguing concept allows us to sync our calendars with the Earth’s orbit around the sun. In the late 1990’s I was deeply involved...

Wag the Dog Much?

Today we heard that some drones killed three American soldiers in Jordan. I’m afraid that Joe Biden will use this as a “Wag the Dog” moment to distract his weak of mind supporters from his crappy approval ratings and all the other baggage he’s...

It’s Getting Real for 2024

It’s the end of January already and winter is flying by (good!). Cabin fever is setting in and dreams of Spring fishing are front and center. Puttering around getting things ready for April. I did my monthly charge of the boat batteries in the garage and ordered...