Man, are things spinning out of control or what? We’re a few days away from the first Republican primary and it’s almost a foregone conclusion that Donald Trump will win it without even trying. That’s not a good thing. In any other election cycle there would at least be some candidates that would compete for our trust. Now, we’re faced with a choice between two dinosaurs that we actually know well and know how they will perform. In any other world, that would be seen as a good thing because the people applying for the job have already done it and that is probably the problem.
I can’t, in good conscience, vote for Joe Biden. I truly believe that he is senile. I also think that his agenda is counter to what most American’s need or want. His default justification for most of his decisions couched in global warming just shows his ignorance and obedience to the leftist “progressive” acolytes.
On the other hand, Donald Trump’s juvenile behaviors immediately delegitimate him to the point where you question his sanity.
Maybe if we just accept Trump’s ego, we can benefit from his policies even if we have to withstand his antics. Joe Biden on the other hand is being weighed down by his family’s antics. I know people say that Joe should not be held accountable for Hunter’s previous actions, but Joe himself is implicated in some of them or at least covering for them.
The last election was interfered with by Joe not coming clean about his family’s criminal actions and covering up for them during the election which misled the electorate. If the truth was allowed to be properly investigated by the mainstream media, the voting public would (some of them at least) have not voted for him.
There is a sense of futility in voting or even following the election as it evolves this year. We are given bad choices and we are not being provided with proper information to make a bad choice.
We need an impartial referee or ombudsman to help us navigate all the nonsense. Even that idea would be met by skepticism if the advice provided did not support your preconceived positions.
We’re doomed……………..