Man! The weather today was CRAZY! It has been very dark and windy and you could hear from folks out and about where there was no power. I was sitting here working on my websites and everything was going well and then BAM! Power is out, Brewer the dog is freaking out because he is afraid of the beep the smoke detector makes when it doesn’t have power. He is sitting with his body pushing up against me for emotional support. He’s a good boy, but he’s no trained operator.
I turned off all the surge protectors and unplugged the computer from the power and hub connections in case there was a jolt when the power came back on. Luckily, it was a quiet and soft re-power and everything is back to normal now.
At this time, the wind has completely stopped. It’s still dark, but it’s quiet outside.
Back to doing what I do best…. Nothing.
Live long and prosper.