Wow. This is probably the fifth time I have relaunched the website. I usually get it up and running, get excited about adding new content, and grow bored with it when I see that no one reads any of it. This is entirely my fault for not “marketing” it better. While I think I have produced some interesting content in the past, the website is too far removed from Facebook, Instagram, or even X (formerly known as Twitter).
I will endeavor to do if not a better job than past attempts, at least try to bring your attention to the website and hope that you gain some insight and perspective based on how I see the world.
Tonight, as a marker in time, was the fourth Republican candidate debate. It had the usual suspects of Nikki Haley, Chris Christie, Vivek Ramaswamy, and Ron DeSantis on the stage. I’m not encouraged by any of them that they can rise to the level of actually being the nominee for the 2024 Presidential election. They all struck me as petulant children with their name calling, over-talking, and general grandstanding. I guess some of that is the reason to be on the debate stage but it was embarrassing nonetheless to have to witness it.
As a nation, we seem to be out of ammunition in the candidate magazine with nothing to reload it with. The same goes for the Democrats. While I can’t support any of the Democrat positions, it’s even harder to wrap my mind around Joe Biden being elected to a second term. He has so many problems that are self-inflicted that it is hard to believe that he is doing anything for the good of the nation.
It’s been a long night suffering through that debate and I want to go read my book about the Maine coast history so I’m going to end this here. I hope to get the inspiration to write something more in the next couple of days so that I get used to this theme and explore how I can extend the capabilities of the website so that it will evolve into something worth your time and mine.
Good night and live long and prosper.